The immigration center is located in right corner of exit. It was easy to find. There was already a long- waiting line. At that time, I was waiting just after I saw that. But I’d been looking for my carrier first so I couldn’t save my time.
When I stand end of line, I met a guy who are Working Holiday maker, Mr. Jeon, Ms.Saranghae and Ms. Dream Catcher. (We had a lunch later.) When I was talking with Mr. Jeon, a fat Officer took off the Working permit letter from us and a couple of minutes later he gave some form to us. It was not end. When my turn, another officer stapled REAL working permit on my passport. It was REAL. WOW~ I made it~ T.T it is expired at APR, 21, 2009. Yes!!
Then we (Mr. Jeon and me) were looking Mr. Jeon’s carrier because he had not taken his carrier before. So we had to go to reception desk. There were many luggages which hadn’t met their owner.
We (Mr. Jeon and Ms. Dream Catcher) were so hungry so went to the Tim Horton. It is famous and common coffee shop in Canada. I ordered strange Mexico food and coffee. It was not bad but I couldn’t finish it. After long time flight, my stomach might not be good.
After late lunch, Mr. Jeon wanted to call to his family so he bought an INT’ calling card. And he tried to call but failed. Ha-ha~ All of we had no idea how to use public phone booth. ;-0 After several times trying, he could make a call and we’d learn our lesson. Trying is best. -_-;
*** How to use a Public phone booth in Canada ***
1. If you have a Calling card, Hang on the receiver and Insert it into a phone.
2. Remove and Insert it again fallowing instruction on LCD.
3. You can hear connecting sound and it will.
4. Just push your destination phone number.
5. But, you need to add an O11 and 82 before phone number.
Ex. 011 82 (0)10 1111 2222
= (011+82+area No. without first 0+phone number)
6. If you don’t have a calling card…. Buy one. =_=;;;
You can buy one convenience store and large market or Hostel.
While we saw blue and clean sky of Canada, I felt that it was a little bit chilly. It looks like early winter in Korea.
They had another flight to their destination. So I said Good-bye to them and left the airport.
I was alone again. I was a little bit worried. And I thought, 'I am already in Canada so I can do it by myself. Don't worry and Go fot it.' After arriving in Canada, I remind it everyday.